So as a ghost hunter, I am always looking for ways to push the envelope to that next step. I was at Walgreen's today looking for a drink, when I stumbled into this aisle. I found a cute little teddy bear for Stacy but then realized that I needed a toy for my newest instructional video on paranormal equipment. So I looked around for a minute and found this lil devil bear which I aptly named Bear Zebub.
If you are wondering what the grey thing with lights on it is. It is a K2 meter it measures EMF (electro-magnetic field). Ghost hunters use it to detect electrical hot spots in homes, to help find hidden sources of power.
Then why is the bear lit up you ask? Well this brings us to my instructional. Theory has it that an EM Pump can give spirits energy to speak, manifest or move objects. I have developed various models. The originator of the first EM Pump was Bill Chappell who sells his for almost $200 dollars. Whew that is some serious dinero if you ask me. Well I stumbled across a method that will get one into your hands for less than $20.00. Even better than that it is small enough to fit in most toys making it perfect for trigger objects.
Now there will be some people who ask why I am not patenting this idea or even selling it. To be honest with ya, I'd rather give this knowledge away. I think everything should be available to everyone. If you have the ability to work with your hands then you deserve to be able to access knowledge, to help aid you in your journey. That is what started my whole instructional video project. I got really tired of people praying on the working class and charging 10 times the cost of making something simple. So I started giving away everything that I know for Paranormal.
I may be crazy for doing what I am doing but, I'm the kinda guy who tries to help everyone out as much as possible.
Thanks for checking out this post of the night.
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