Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Resistors, Transistors and Diodes Oh My!

I live on a day to day basis, which generally works for me. I am horrible at planning and I don't believe in tomorrow. That aside if there is one regret I have in life it is not getting into electronic design when I should have. I blame it on my ADD lol. Even though I have never been officially diagnosed, I do have a problem paying attention to everything. Everything??? Everything! It is when I am creating something that I am able to properly focus on anything. 

Take this circuit board. It has a very deep meaning to me. Back when I started building ghost hunting tools, I needed something more than simple electronics that any kid can throw together in their basement. I bought this little micro-board that is about the size of 2 quarters side by side. I really didn't know what to expect as Schematics might as well have been written in Sumerian code.

After really sitting down and studying what it was that I was looking at. Like Flynn I realized at the little roads had purpose and led to somewhere. It did take some time and I am still slowly learning but I wouldn't have it any other way. Once all is said and done I will be able to say that I learned electronic design the hard way.

This is the very first complex circuit I have ever built and I will hold on to it for the rest of my life! 

Thanks to all those who took the time to read this!!!  - Martin


  1. Wow! Dude that is so cool. I see these things on a daily basis but have never taken the time to learn what all the little parts are or what they are for. You have inspired me to learn im going to start whatching youtube and im gona start to save every control board I have to change to use for parts.

  2. Awesome man, I am still in infancy stage with this so we can learn together. Who knows maybe with our combined knowledge we too can push the limits of Ghost Hunting. I see a very lucrative future coming on!

  3. Yes I agree. It would be awesome to be successful @ something so cool & fun! Im gona save some old parts so we can get together and play!
