Monday, January 30, 2012

I'm too sexy for my boots!

There are days when a photo opportunity falls into your lap. For me today was that day. As I was driving around during my lunch hour, I noticed a strange sight that was begging to be photographed. On the corner of the main road and a residential street, there was a brick wall that served as an entrance to a community. On this wall were a pair of boots, on the ground was a pile of freshly cut branches. It looked as though someone got halfway through their job, took their boots off and said "I Quit!" 

I sat there for a moment wondering what would make a person remove there boots in mid stride and place them on this particular wall? More over then that what did the branches have to do with the scenario???

These are strange times we are living in Dr Jones!


  1. how do i be to sexy for my boots lol maybe there is a ghost standing in them im just saying

  2. This is very true! Didn't even think about phantom boots lol
