Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Resistors, Transistors and Diodes Oh My!

I live on a day to day basis, which generally works for me. I am horrible at planning and I don't believe in tomorrow. That aside if there is one regret I have in life it is not getting into electronic design when I should have. I blame it on my ADD lol. Even though I have never been officially diagnosed, I do have a problem paying attention to everything. Everything??? Everything! It is when I am creating something that I am able to properly focus on anything. 

Take this circuit board. It has a very deep meaning to me. Back when I started building ghost hunting tools, I needed something more than simple electronics that any kid can throw together in their basement. I bought this little micro-board that is about the size of 2 quarters side by side. I really didn't know what to expect as Schematics might as well have been written in Sumerian code.

After really sitting down and studying what it was that I was looking at. Like Flynn I realized at the little roads had purpose and led to somewhere. It did take some time and I am still slowly learning but I wouldn't have it any other way. Once all is said and done I will be able to say that I learned electronic design the hard way.

This is the very first complex circuit I have ever built and I will hold on to it for the rest of my life! 

Thanks to all those who took the time to read this!!!  - Martin

Monday, January 30, 2012

I'm too sexy for my boots!

There are days when a photo opportunity falls into your lap. For me today was that day. As I was driving around during my lunch hour, I noticed a strange sight that was begging to be photographed. On the corner of the main road and a residential street, there was a brick wall that served as an entrance to a community. On this wall were a pair of boots, on the ground was a pile of freshly cut branches. It looked as though someone got halfway through their job, took their boots off and said "I Quit!" 

I sat there for a moment wondering what would make a person remove there boots in mid stride and place them on this particular wall? More over then that what did the branches have to do with the scenario???

These are strange times we are living in Dr Jones!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Just beyond the sign....

Sunday is usually my lazy day. I was awoken early today by my Pit JAX. He is literally scared of everything lol. That aside I was able to take my mid-day nap a lil early, which afforded me some time with the sun to go out and do some shootin. 

I was walking under a bridge and saw a nice new No Trespassing sign not too far from where I was standing. So I ventured out to the sign and took a shot. Then the sign had me curious because the subject in the background was city property and well......This is where you decide If curiosity killed the cat...:)

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Mayan Astronaut

My brother in law come over today, and we had a blast!!! We get along so well together as a group you woulda figured we all grew up together. This is a photo of their son David. He saw the Mayan hat that my mother had given me and wanted to try it on. We got it on him and he posed for the camera. This kid is such a ham when it comes to being photographed. Not sure if it was the hat or the expression on his face, but it reminded me of a time before bills, taxes and jobs. He was happy, happy and grateful for everything yet nary a clue as to why. Which is the exact opposite as an adults. We are generally miserable and know exactly why haha,

With a face so full of life Lil David takes on my blog photo of the night!!!
Thanks to Mark and Gretchen and their 2 boys Mason and David...Yall definitely made it an interesting and awesome night!!!!

Friday, January 27, 2012


As I was walking to my car tonight, I noticed the Ominous look the clouds were giving off. The sky still had the deep blue effect and the surrounding lights from the buildings made the clouds have that certain glow that can just not be explained in words. With all the lights tied in using Ohms law they gave off that perfect amount of contrast to the night sky. Giving this photo the title of Ohm-N-Us! It doesn't take a cemetery to have a creepy picture sometimes it just works out that way. Have a safe weekend all!!!

Thursday, January 26, 2012


I took this pic on the way home tonight. It reminded me of those moments in life in between memories. We are conditioned to remember the big moments and the other details are fuzzy. Want to know what I am talking about? The first person that you spoke to today....What color of socks were they wearing? Chances are white as usual. Or chances are they wore special bright socks in hopes that someone would have noticed and said something about them. We didn't notice because that type of information doesn't retain well in the super computer we call a brain.

This photo is dedicated to those moments in between working and living. Some people live to work and some work to live. Whatever person you are remember these small moments. It only takes one of  them to alter the course of your life.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Raw Power

While being rained in. I decided to meet our neighbors for the first time. We started a bonfire and started burning tons of trash and worn out furniture. During the process my neighbor found a way to get himself stuck in the mud to the axles. After trying everything except setting the dodge on fire. I called my dad. I said "Hey dad how bout you come show us what your truck can do?" He replies with some chuckles and "Be there in 15 min" Once he showed up he strapped the truck on and "Gave it Hell!" The end result was my neighbors truck being free from its muddy grave. I am thoroughly convinced that my dads truck "Eats Lighting and Shits Thunder!"

I was soo happy by my dads willing to help that I printed this photo in an 11x17 photo and gave him a pic of his truck kicking ass at life. 

Blog post #25 goes to my Dad...Thanks for your help!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

An Unintentional View

Sometimes getting a great picture can be accidental.

Tonight I was going to film my ride home in my car. I found out that my camera mounts perfectly inside my headrest. So as I was placing the camera and getting it positioned properly, it took this picture. There is something about the contrast of dark areas and the golden hue of  the lights that makes me feel peaceful. Either way, this pic was unintentional by all means. That is what makes this one special!!!

On a side note thank you to everyone who takes the time out of their busy day to view my blog. I appreciate and love each and every one of you!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Santa's Stripper Money

Here it was 5pm and the 5'oclock shadow was starting to get dark. As I was fighting the day's coma I asked a friend if he would grab me an energy drink from the store. He obliged and as I proceeded to hand him some cash I realized one of the bills had a big fat man with a beard on it. There I was stunned for a moment. Where had this Santa Buck come from??? Does he print his own christmas bills??? Is he self funding with the U.S. treasury??? Once I saw this bill I knew 2 things were certain. 1. Its going to stay with me forever and 2. It is my blog photo for tonight!

P.s. I forgive Santa as well for the belated present.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Goat Man and an Old Bridge

Some believe that this bridge is where an old goat farmer was hung from and to this day, now haunts the bridge. I got together with a group of friends last night and had a really great time. This was the first time I brought my camera out with me for this type of documenting. I learned 2 things, I own way too much stuff to carry around, and 2 I need to learn what Equipment I need to carry to which investigation lol.

That aside I had a great time doing EVP sessions and snapping photos, this camera has been winning since I opened the box!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Don't Tread on ME

There was a time when I used to drive by this beast of a machine everyday. The M43 A3 or as it is more commonly known the Sherman. I remember way back when the original paint was becoming the faded green that most vehicles of this are today. It has recently been re-painted to commemorate the 75 years since WW2. When I drove by this tank again the other day, I almost went off the road because I could not stop staring at how intimidating it now looks. I could not imagine being at war and having one of these come face to face with me. This is a true "War Machine"

Friday, January 20, 2012

Universal Symbol for Help

I have always been fascinated by this logo. Its plain simple and very effective at catching the eye. Some of my earliest memories of this logo are watching old war movies with my grand parents. I used to sit and watch the medics roll up in the old OD green ambulances trying to rescue the wounded. The Red Cross we know today was founded by Clara Barton in 1881 in Washington DC. 

Priceless memories for a penny.

This is my blog photo for 1/20/2012

Sorry for the delay but my main pc has taken its final step. That being said I decided to talk a walk on the tracks during my lunch hour on 1/20/2012 and came across this little gem. It was a penny left on the tracks that was flattened by a train. These railways have long since been abandoned. I wan't to say even before the millennium, which makes it over 12 years now. This flattened piece of history was so old that when I retrieved the coin the patina of the iron underneath was a different color. The coin is definitely going to become part of my collection of odd things. It reminded me soo much of my childhood and playing by the tracks that I couldn't leave this old penny to rot anymore. 

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Here is the Church, Here is its Steeple.....

Although we all have our beliefs, I am not a religious man by any means. I believe what I believe in and it helps me out in life. I was out enjoying my lunch hour walk, which I am becoming accustomed to. It is a nice way to spend a lunch hour for sure.

I can see this church everyday from my office building. One of the things that intrigued me the most is how it looks during dusk. Though I am usually at work until dark, I can never catch a photo of the perfect time. I love the architecture of this building and the contrast to the blue sky.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

John Henry's Lost Spike

I took a walk during lunch today, trying to find a moment of inspiration. I crossed across a field and ended up on some old un-used railroad tracks. 

As I scooted along remembering the good ol days when we put penny's and quarters on the track. I came across a railroad spike. Initially I picked it up with intent to collect, then my mind shifted gears. I recalled the old tall tale, in which a man by the name of John Henry went against the machine, hammering endlessly away. In the end he won against the machine only to keel over in a heart attack.

This story is significant in many ways. We will spend the rest of our lives attached to technology. Even as I am typing this story I am using it to get to you all. I fear that we will all grow old and die, but not without being a slave to the system. It encompasses every aspect of our lives. Imagine life if John Henry would have had the time to take his hammer to the machine.....

P.s. On a side note I left the spike behind with intent that someone one day would walk the same steps as I and take a similar photograph.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Nature vs Technology

This photo was taken this morning in front of my house. This is actually the last thing I did before a chain of events were laid into my lap. Even as I am typing now, I can hardly believe most of it. Logic is not always the answer. 

Back to the photo

This one I call "Nature vs Technology" because of the way the tree limbs and weeds have encompassed the parts of this transformer in a way that keeps it functional and the plants alive. There are few guarantees in this world, but here is my free guarantee to you. Nature will survive mankind. I think it is a little egotistical to think that we can destroy a system that has figured out a way to rebuild itself over and over for a good portion of 500 million years. I don't usually quote but considering Serj is one of my influences.

"Do you know that life is ending,
As we go, the dots connecting,
We had our chance to save the garden,
As it dies, our souls will harden."

So you see we could not possibly kill the earth. We are wiping out humanity, look around.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Hoarders, Medusa Forks and a Table of Closed Doors

"Trades Day = My gift to you."

If ever there was a table that could tell no tales, it would be this one. A sea of rusty keys, leave behind doors never to be unlocked again. I sat at this table and wondered where all these keys had come from. Stand back and think for a moment....Each key here was made on purpose, with purpose. Now like us they ended up in a graveyard never to return home again.

These next photos are proof that a mans creativity are driven by 2 things. Time and Hunger. I love when people turn junk into something that you could actually hang on a wall. In this case the artist chose to bend forks in a way that reminded me of the snakes that burden medusa.

One has to guess as to why $29 dollars was a good choice. Not knocking it just wondering if the artist chose so, because of what I call the Wal-Mart Mark-Down Conspiracy. Take any item you have ever bought in life. Everything we buy is in the 10s. If you paid $22.00 or $29.75. To your significant other you only spent 20 bucks. We are all guilty of this and this artist knows your weakness.

Though looking at the personal time spent bending this Medusa Fork, I would have totally been happy spending "$20" bucks on this plate haha.

Here is my Mom demonstrating proof that we live in the bible belt. I actually sat here for a moment in awe. Not because of the crosses themselves, but at the thought of how many different ways one could express themselves to others the love of their religion. Also on a side note there are few things as beautiful as items delicately crafted from wood.

For a few moments I thought of buying something from this booth of someone else's faded memorabilia. Then I took a good look at the pile of junk and thought twice. This was one of those times that Ego looked Id in the face and told him to keep walking. Thank goodness for ego I would have bought something ridiculous here. Haha

This was just a a few demonstrations of what can be witnessed at the Hoarder Capitol of Texas. Trades Day in Mckinney, TX. Then again its the hoarders that come here to buy, as these wolves are fed stockpiles of sheep by the Hearders. 

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Lights, Cameras, and Splinter Cell

Wow where does the time go haha.

This is my blog post for saturday 1/14/2012

There is a part of me that wants all the fanciest, and most expensive equipment out there. Then there is the real me. The thinker, tinkerer, and self reliant technician lol. I recently purchased a camera light from Best Buy for low light photography. It was humorous at best. I spent $40.00 to have a light that couldn't out do a candle. So the inner me said "I bet I could build better, brighter, and stronger for $10.00. The challenge was on....

So in this investment I have

3 flashlight modules. - 3 .00
Switch - Repurposed - 0.00
Case - 2.69
Clear Cover - Repurposed Junk 0.00
Battery holder - Repurposed - 0.00
Camera Bracket - 2.50

The total expenditures was 8.19 out of pocket.

The will to carry out on my own and save myself some cash, while building better than manufacturer equipment???

Effin Priceless!!!

Have a Good Night All!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Fisheyes and the Monk

As with everything else I do in this life, I am always experimenting. I am a man of searching for that next great moment. During lunch I took a small hike to a cemetery in Allen, TX. I pulled out the camera and attached the new found fisheye lens and started firing away. The lens itself has its ups and downs, one being that it is an exterior lens and has to be manually focused. All things aside it is a nice lil tool to work with. After pa-rousing through the cemetery taking random photos I stumbled across this monk like figure. The reason I chose this monk for today's blog post is because, A few months back whilst in Goliad, TX I ran across a monk very similar to this one. Now thinking about it it may have been the exact same style of statue with one exception. The other monk was outfitted with a headband, denoting that the departed was a blue collar worker. Hispanics wear headbands to keep the sweat off their brow, so in an effort to get the message across the person who left behind the monk, fashioned a simple headband to the one in Goliad. I knew the moment I snapped this picture that it would be tonight's photo. Sometimes the photo is the one who chooses you, and I in all intentions believe this was one of those moments in time.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Every Artist Has One

Self Portrait....

Since purchasing my camera, I knew that a photo of myself was inevitable. Every artist has a self portrait somewhere. This is mine. 

Backstory time!!!

Someone out of the blue found me on youtube and asked about a paranormal product I had invented. They had seen videos of others peoples sad attempts at rip-offs, and while looking one up he ran across my channel. His exact words were "How is it that your Em Pump is so strong?" I had to be honest, Frankly because I invented this method of EM Pump. I know my own tricks of the trade. He was hooked. "I want to purchase one from you" Was his reply. So after the transaction I sat and pondered for a moment. "tick tick tick" That's the sound of me thinking. OH I KNOW!!! I need a fisheye lens for my camera!!! That brings us to this photo. Considering my self an artist of sorts here is my Self Portrait! 


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

A Light for the Darkest Hour

"For Grandpa"

To many people this would be just another rusty lantern. For me it is more than that, more than any other person who knows me will ever know. On 12/17/2009 I received a phone call at 3.40 pm. Something was wrong, I jumped in my truck and drove 75mph past cops through a school zone (which I do feel bad about BTW). I got to the hospital but it was far too late. My grandfather Juan S Lopez had passed. It didn't take long for the vultures to get a hold of his most sacred possessions. I am still upset that my mother never had a chance to get something memorable from him. Though here we are 3 yrs later and that part is behind me. What is true 3 yrs later though is that he is with me everyday. I know he is there watching over me and helping guide me through this life. Which brings us to our photo.

I have 2 extremely fond memories of my grandfather. 1. Him driving the brown van and me in the passenger seat. We were usually headed to tradesday, or just around town. 2. The second memory far exceeds the first and that was doing what my grandfather loved to do more than anything else in this life. Fishing, Camping, Swimming. It was a life of simple living. Life outside technology. We didn't need expensive RV's or grills, we just showed up with some hot dogs, swimming trunks and fishing poles. I grabbed this lantern for that very reason. It is also very symbolic to me because I know during the darkest hours in my life, it isn't god that is holding his lantern guiding me. It is my grandpa. He loved everyone of us unconditionally, and equally.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

When Darkness Falls

We are reborn. 

Once upon a time in a place so dark and creepy there stood a boy armed with just a camera. Ok so I'm not great at horror stories, but this photo was taken in my side yard just above my pond. It pretty sums up the feel the moon is giving off tonight. My only wish is that my zoom would reach further, then again if it did the trees would not be able to play such an important role in this photo. All in all the moon, the clouds and the trees are the key to the scary ambiance of this photo. This is one of my personal favs!!!! Enjoy

Monday, January 9, 2012

Downtown's Monolith

If you have ever been to Mckinney, Tx chances are you have seen this building. It is the original courthouse to Mckinney, TX. Though when it was first erected it had more of a french look to it. Many years past and the top layers of the french curves were removed. This courthouse is unique because even though it has been reconstructed throughout the years, its original structure remains.

Also as a side note this building has been reported haunted, visions of  a lonely female looking out the windows, and a phone that has no power rings on occasion. If this is true whose to say but it is a very interesting building to look at!!!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

I Love Lucy and stuff

For today's photo, I was out and about downtown Mckinney taking photographs. My new found love of photography actually ties together many things for me. Paranormal, Photography, Art and of course Graffiti. Graffiti and Industrial metal are probably my favorite things to photograph. The only problem with Mckinney though is that it is run by republicans haha. No in all seriousness though downtown is now so heavily monitored that graffiti is scarce. Though I took an alley way and ventured probably to where it would have led to trouble if caught by the Black and Blue, I discovered this sweet gem in the process. I was excited to take this photo because some of my fondest memories believe it or not is sitting on the couch with my wife watching the shenanigans of this Red headed woman. Alas it was a double bonus! I hope to see more Graffiti in the near future as I will always post those first! Thanks for stopping in!!!

Entity Storm

Today's photo 1/7/2011 is actually a prototype of mine. It is a device that produces Positive Ion's and EMF. It took the better half of a day to build. Its official name is Entity Storm. Aptly named because It is creating Ion's and Emf just like an on coming storm! This prototype is  going to Larry Flaxman of ARPAST. I hope that he likes and enjoys using such a product!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Mind Altering Substance

This is my 1/6/2012 photo. I got in a lil late so waited til 8am.

What you are looking at is a plate of 6 Hot Wings smothered in Ghost Pepper Sauce. Bhut Jolokia is its proper name. With a Scollville rating in between 800,000 and 1,000,000 this puts this pepper as the hottest pepper known to date. (Tabasco peppers are 2500)

Well a few friends tried this challenge with success, so I decided to take a stab at the plate. Lets just say this, I DO NOT recommend trying this. We had to sign waivers, wear gloves the whole 9 yards. I got the first bite down OK. It was the second bite that nearly killed me. The second bite grabbed ahold of my ability to think, speak, and hold back tears. Physically my body was looking for every avenue to escape. Mentally, I was breaking down. Needless to say I did  not finish the challenge and stopped short of 2 wings. It was probably the worst experience I have endured to date!

Then again I can mark this on my things to do before I die list. Sad to say though this was an EPIC FAIL.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Texas Sky

The inspiration for this photo goes back to when I was 22. I had gotten tired of being a young 20 something living in TX. I packed my things and hitched a ride to NYC. After being in New York for 8 months there was something missing in my life. For 8 whole months I just couldn't figure it out. It was when I had come home for a vacation that I had realized that TX is one of those states that has 1,000 miles of sky. I wasn't just missing being home, I was missing fresh air and the wide open feeling of the old Texas Sky. This was taken from the top story of a parking garage in Allen, TX. It only took 3 photos in panorama to get my point across!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Good Ol' Days

Today's post goes to this rare 43 Chevy. I drive by this bad boy every day. To most people its a dead ole truck. To me its an example of what America used to stand for. People taking pride in what they do. I see these silly imports running around every day and I shake my head in shame, whatever happened to the curves the symmetry, the way the old vehicles seem to look right back at you. American Muscle, is where it is at. It is my dream to one day build a project of my own and drive it around for everyone to enjoy the amount of love and care I put into the project. Post number 3 found in Allen, Tx!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Energy is a room of Excited Electrons

Energy in its purest form is beautiful. Even if it is contained inside a little glass dome. On the outside anyone can see the serene view of excited electrons flowing freely. On the inside 2-5 kv (kilovolts) of raw energy trying to escape dome that contains it. The very first Plasma Globe was created by none other than Nikola Tesla! His work is still years ahead of his time.

Monday, January 2, 2012

The Maya, Che, and the world as I see it.

If you are reading this then chances are that we are friends in one way or another. Even if we have never met, you are a friend to me for taking the time to read and view my photos. This is my Photo Blog in which I will detail the world through my eyes. I will be posting a photo a day and some detail surrounding my inspiration behind the photo.

As this is my first entry here is the backlog. For Christmas I purchased an Olympus EPL-1. Most people would frown on a micro 4/3s camera but I love the portability meets DSLR design. I found this particular golden egg if you will at my sisters house on New Years Eve. He was tucked away above the fridge, once I saw him he was begging to be taken out into the world and photographed. I parted the awesome find with his family and started his journey! As he was Humpty Dumpty an Old Aesops fable, I decided to take his photo in sepia, and place him on a small wall.
