I live on a day to day basis, which generally works for me. I am horrible at planning and I don't believe in tomorrow. That aside if there is one regret I have in life it is not getting into electronic design when I should have. I blame it on my ADD lol. Even though I have never been officially diagnosed, I do have a problem paying attention to everything. Everything??? Everything! It is when I am creating something that I am able to properly focus on anything.
Take this circuit board. It has a very deep meaning to me. Back when I started building ghost hunting tools, I needed something more than simple electronics that any kid can throw together in their basement. I bought this little micro-board that is about the size of 2 quarters side by side. I really didn't know what to expect as Schematics might as well have been written in Sumerian code.
After really sitting down and studying what it was that I was looking at. Like Flynn I realized at the little roads had purpose and led to somewhere. It did take some time and I am still slowly learning but I wouldn't have it any other way. Once all is said and done I will be able to say that I learned electronic design the hard way.
This is the very first complex circuit I have ever built and I will hold on to it for the rest of my life!
Thanks to all those who took the time to read this!!! - Martin