Monday, April 30, 2012

The Indian and the Paintbrush

When I was a kid, I used to spend the weekends at my grand parents house. They lived in the country and I can still taste the water from the water hose. I used to ride a bike for what seemed like miles. During the summer months the sides of the roads would be littered with Indian Paintbrushes. To this day they are still my favorite flower. Here is my homage!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Back into the Groove

I am sorry to everyone who reads my blogs. I have been a little wrapped up lately with massive overtime at work. Workin 6am to 7pm yields little to no time for one of my new passions. This weekend I specifically set time aside for some photos. I stopped at the local laundromat and got some pictures. 

The popcorn machine takes me back 25 years ago. I remember looking up at my mom washing clothes. She would have the usual sweat on her brow as she folded clothes for a family of then 4. Even though we were not poor by any means money was tight during the 80's for us. Mom always set aside some cash though for popcorn. It was the coolest thing to put money into the machine and watch popcorn fall into the white paper bag!

25 years later that popcorn machine is still making kids happy! 

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Meeting with the Dead

So today, I was waiting on some paranormal friends to show up to a cemetery. I was going to show them hot spots are for investigating. While waiting on them I decided to pull out Che and grab some cool shots. Here is the baby, bronze cross, sword and the stone, and a Masonic grave.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Dead Air Microphone

I bought this microphone awhile back when I joined forces with Dead Air Radio.
Tonight I took this mic apart and installed an LED to give it a dark and brooding ambiance. I turned out the lights and took a 15sec long exposure. I also threw in a bluish hue to give it a Cult Classic feel to it. I will be using this as my wall paper for Dead Air!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy E(ggs)aster!!!

Now that I am grown up, I can actually value the fun of watching our young family running around and searching for Eggs and treats. I spent the day with my family and ate entirely too much barbecue. It was fun hanging out with family members that I don't get to see much these days. Happy Easter to everyone!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Who cleans the cleaners?

 I haven't posted much lately due to an recent turn of events, that involved my living room ceiling caving in. After that happened we had to go out and wash some serious clothes for the coming week. We chose this small little laundromat in town. After spending some time there I asked myself "Who cleans the cleaners?" The answer is no one apparently haha.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Here comes the Fog

It wasn't until after I moved into our house, that I realized how much fog our little area gets. Its very cool and yet eerie at the same time. If you stare into fog long enough, your mind will start to play tricks on you and make shapes of things that are not there.....Or are they?